Apply for a pavement licence

Find out what a pavement licence is and when your business needs to apply for one.

A pavement licence allows a business to use furniture placed on the pavement to sell or serve food or drink, or to allow customers to consume food or drink purchased at the premises. 

It does not allow you to sell alcohol. If you're granted a pavement licence you still need to apply for any other necessary licences and permissions, such as an alcohol licence or food registration.   

Who can apply

Businesses that can apply for a pavement licence include:

  • pubs
  • cafes
  • bars
  • restaurants
  • snack bars
  • coffee shops
  • ice cream parlours
  • those that have food or drink services as part of the business, such as supermarkets and entertainment venues

Furniture that can be included in a licence

  • counters or stalls for selling or serving food or drink
  • tables, counters or shelves on which food or drink can be placed
  • chairs, benches, or other seating and
  • umbrellas, barriers, heaters and other equipment used for outdoor consumption of food or drink

Before applying you must read our Pavement Licensing Policy.

On the day you apply you must also complete the site notice template.

You need to display this at your premises so it's clearly visible to the public. We will ask for photos of this as part of the application.

Apply for a pavement licence

What happens after you apply

We have 28 days from the date you apply to consult on and decide the outcome. This includes 14 calendar days for public consultation and 14 calendar days to review the application and confirm the outcome.