Help arranging a funeral or cremation

Find organisations that can help you arrange a funeral or cremation.

Arranging a funeral or cremation is usually the responsibility of the Executor of the will or nearest surviving relative. 

The person responsible for arranging a funeral or cremation must first register the death with Kent County Council.

Find a funeral director

You might want to employ a professional funeral director. To find one in your area visit the National Association of Funeral Directors website.

Arrange a funeral without a funeral director

You can arrange a funeral without a funeral director.

If you want to do this you can get advice from the Natural Death Centre or speak to our cemeteries team.

Cremated remains

Once a cremation has taken place cremated remains can be buried or scattered in our cemeteries on request. 

Remains can be buried in existing family graves, in half graves, or in the Gardens of Remembrance. The scattering of ashes takes place in woodland areas.

You are not allowed to scatter or bury cremated remains without asking permission.

For more information please call us on 01227 862 490.