Cost of council services 2019/20

See how much services cost to run for 2019 to 2020.

The net budget requirement for 2019 to 2020 is estimated at £17,059,000, an increase of £880,000 (5.44%) on last year’s budget.

The council has achieved a balanced budget, whilst ensuring council tax rises are kept to a minimum.

Service costs breakdown

Service Gross expenditure Total income Net cost 19/20 Net cost 18/19
Corporate management, legal, strategy and democracy services 5,721,000 £1,150,000 £4,571,000 £5,068,000
Commissioned services including museums, theatres and environmental and waste services £23,266,000 £14,051,000 £9,215,000 £11,059,000
Direct services including housing, community and engineering £9,423,000 £13,951,000 £13,951,000 £3,242,000
Planning, property and regeneration £7,669,000 £17,008,000 £9,339,000 £6,332,000
Benefits, council tax and business rates £47,858,000 £47,119,000 £740,000 £904,000
Other services £16,786,000 £2,700,000 £16,509,000 £8,830,000
Reserves contributions £298,000 £406,000 £108,000 £108,000
Total £111,021,000 £93,962,000 £17,059,000 £16,179,000
Housing revenue account £25,720,000 £24,648,000 £1,072,000 £0