We work it out based on the rateable value of your business. The rateable value is the yearly rent the property could have been let for on 1 April 2015. You can estimate your business rates using GOV.UK’s simple online tool.
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You can apply or pay for services and find information on this website quickly and easily. You'll get a faster response as it'll go to the right team and a copy of your request will be sent to your email.
Use the search bar at the top of the site or the menu to find what you need.
Got a question?
The easiest way to pay is by Direct Debit. Set it up using our simple online form and we’ll do the rest.
If you’re struggling to pay your business rates you can ask to set up an arrangement to help pay the money you owe. It’s easy to do this online, we just need a few details about you and your business.
If you’ve overpaid your rates you might be able to get a refund directly into your business bank account. Just use our simple form.