Apply to rent a garage

Find out how much it costs to rent a garage, how to apply, and how to pay your garage rent.

There are no garages available to rent at the moment.

How much it costs

Type of rental Cost per week
Council tenants £13.72
Private residents* £16.46
Crown Gardens garage (council tenants) £16.55
Crown Gardens garage (private residents)* £19.86

*Private residents must pay VAT at 20% on their garage (included in costs above).

You must not use the garage for any business, trade or professional purpose.

Pay your garage rent online

You can pay your rent to us online. You'll need a debit or credit card, and your rent account number. You can find this on your statement.

Pay your garage rent online

Other ways to pay your garage rent

Set up a standing order

Make your payment to us quoting your rent account number and the details below:

Bank: National Westminster Bank PLC
Account name: Canterbury City Council
Account number: 00000000
Sort code: 62-13-48

Pay by phone

Call 01227 862 427. You'll need your credit or debit card and your rent account number.

Post Office or PayPoint registered shop

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