Council heritage initiatives

View the Canterbury heritage strategy and action plan and timescales for each step.

Canterbury’s Heritage Strategy and Action Plan was adopted in 2019. It was awarded a Royal Town Planning Institute South East Award for Planning Excellence in Heritage and Culture in 2019:

“The awards submission demonstrated how the council seeks to identify and increase the tangible benefits that heritage brings to the wellbeing of residents, visitors and businesses and the judges were impressed at how the council’s work champions heritage in every aspect of its services." (Judge’s Citation, RTPI South-East Awards for Planning Excellence)

"The projects identified in the Delivery Plan for 2021 to 2022, alongside initiatives driven by groups and organisations across the district, will contribute to delivering the vision of the Heritage Strategy: “A heritage resource that is internationally recognised, accessible to everyone and celebrated for its outstanding significance, delivering long term economic, social and environmental benefits to our district.”

Council heritage initiatives

Delivery of the strategy is a key priority of Canterbury City Council’s Corporate Plan 2020-22 and Local Plan 2011 to 2031 which together provide a framework for the delivery of services and sustainable development across the district.

Our strong and diverse heritage sector has a central role to play in delivering these aspirations, providing the foundation for growth, securing environmental improvements, fostering local identity and promoting social cohesion and well-being.

During 2021 to 22 we have delivered many initiatives with two key achievements being:

Setting up a design review panel for the Canterbury district. This independent panel of design and development experts is already helping to scrutinise development proposals to improve our future buildings, places and spaces to improve everyone’s quality of life.

The completion of a comprehensive Landscape Character Area review, which will also support the new Local Plan.

Heritage initiative plans

Covering 2021 to 2022

Shopfront design quick guide

Building on the success of the shopfront supplementary planning document adopted in 2021, the council will work with stakeholders to create a quick guide to shopfront design.

The purpose is to provide a clear and simple guide for businesses to maintain high quality shopfronts and signage that will enhance the appearance of high streets.

Covering 2021 to 2023

Canterbury conservation area appraisal and management plan

Consult on and finalise the preparation of the new appraisal and management plan to safeguard and enhance the distinctive character of Canterbury's conservation area.

The purpose is to deliver an up to date appraisal of the conservation area and use this to create and adopt an effective plan for managing the future development of the area.

Heritage guidance

A comprehensive suite of advice notes that are easily accessible online for householders and developers.

The guidance will highlight and signpost best practice and will include practical advice on how to manage, develop and care for heritage assets, including how to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to climate change.

The purpose is to provide easy access to clear and engaging guidance for everyone with a role in protecting our shared heritage.

Heritage walking trails

Explore options for interactive map-based guides exploring aspects of the district’s heritage, guiding users on heritage walks within the district.

The purpose is to encourage visitors and residents to explore our local heritage, get active and discover our remarkable landscapes.

Community conservation area pilot project

Create a toolkit to work with parish councils, communities and local groups to assess rural conservation areas across the district. This will include digital data collection for the production of conservation area appraisals and management plans.

The purpose is to empower communities to work actively with us in safeguarding their heritage and the quality and  character of their local areas.

Covering 2021 to 2024

Canterbury’s local list of heritage assets

A comprehensive review of the local list of interesting buildings, sites and structures that are undesignated.

Updating existing list entries where new information has come to light and asking the public for further nominations to be considered for the list.

The purpose is to work with communities to help us recognise, celebrate and protect important local heritage and distinctiveness.

Covering 2022 to 2023

St George's Street Canterbury

£1.2m funded public realm improvement to existing city centre area to create more welcoming space and entrance to the city.

The purpose is to provide an improved environment for residents and visitors to enhance the city centre.

World heritage site management plan

The World Heritage Site committee will be appointing consultants to review and update the existing World Heritage Site management plan.

The purpose is to deliver an updated management plan to help look after future changes in the area.

Covering 2022 to 2024

Canterbury Levelling Up Fund bid

Submit a bid for funding through the Levelling up Fund for up to £20 million to deliver a range of public realm, wayfinding and interpretation projects to enhance the experience of Westgate Square, City Walls, Canterbury Castle and Dane John park.

The purpose is to secure substantial funding to help bring Canterbury’s history to life, boost jobs and strengthen the city’s economic recovery.

Herne Bay Levelling Up Fund bid

Submit a bid for funding through the Levelling Up Fund for up to £13 million to deliver a range of improvements to the Herne Bay Bandstand and King’s Hall, public realm and wayfinding.

The purpose is to secure substantial funding to help bring Herne Bay’s history to life, enhance community facilities and strengthen the city’s economic recovery.