Levelling Up project strands

Details of project work, timescales, and artists' impressions of what the city will look like.

The funding we've been given can only be used for the project work set out in our Levelling Up application. The work we do will be closely monitored to make sure that the money is spent on the things we said it would be.

Our three Connected Canterbury: Unlocking the Tales of England project strands are:

  • Transforming heritage assets and spaces - we will protect and repair historic and underused sites in the city.
  • Creating a green arrival experience - we will improve areas visitors see when they arrive in our city, as well as upgrading spaces like the bus station to include electric vehicle charging and cycle hire.
  • Connecting our heritage - we will create 'story gardens' that use innovative technology to tell the story of Canterbury as part of England's history. New trails and cycling routes will be signposted to connect people to our heritage sites.

All of the project work will take place over the next two years and should be finished by the summer of 2025.

We'll promote what's happening at each stage so that you can have your say on Levelling Up.

Funded by UK Gov logo


Connected Canterbury logo

Project work timescales

Work that happened in 2023

 St George’s Street improvements

We've replaced the old paving slabs, added new planters and benches, and upgraded the street lighting. 

One area has been finished with temporary paving, which will be replaced later.

Riverside area improvements 

We've upgraded the existing cycle way. 

Installing electric vehicle chargers

We installed 12 chargers across the city to support greener transport.

Canterbury Castle preparation

We put up scaffolding so that we could start a survey on the stonework.

Poor Priests’ Hospital (Marlowe Kit) preparation

We applied for listed building consent for the roof repairs.

Poor Priests Hospital

Poor Priests' Hospital

Story gardens

We held a public consultation on which gardens should be chosen and published the results.


Kent County Council held a public consultation on the proposed changes to Westgate Square.

Work happening in 2024

Highways and city route improvements

Pedestrian heritage routes around the city are improved, including better surfacing and signs.

Work begins at Longport car park to make it more welcoming and greener with better signage and welcome information.

More electric vehicles charging points installed.

The old and damaged wayfinding (finger posts) in the city will be redesigned and installation started.

Poor Priests’ Hospital (Marlowe Kit)

Work to repair the building’s roof is completed.

Story gardens

Electrical power outlets are installed in the Dane John Gardens to allow events to take place with less reliance on generators.

All required consents and permissions, such as those from Historic England and Kent County Council Highways are in place ready for work to start in early 2025.

Work happening in 2025

Highways and city route improvements

New shelters installed at the bus station and pedestrian access improved.

Westgate Square and St George’s Square finished.

Installation of cycle hire infrastructure plus bike maintenance and storage facilities.

Installation of new wayfinding totems and finger posts in the city centre completed.

Story gardens

Landscaping of the story gardens completed, including perennial wild flower meadows, new trees and planting, lighting and interpretation.

Construction of the new raised walkway and platforms in the castle keep.

New cafe/food kiosk in the Dane John Gardens.

New play area in Greyfriars Garden.

Improvements to the city wall including resurfacing, lighting and planting.

Car park improvements

Improvements to the pathway alongside the river at St Radigunds car park and through Castle Row car park to link the Dane John gardens and the castle keep.

Planning of launch events and promotional activities

We'll publish our plans for the big launch, including activities you can come along to or get involved with.