Use greener transport

See what options you have for sustainable green travel.

Use Kent Connected to find the smartest way of getting from A to B, then choose an option below.


There are many cycling routes around the district as well as cycle lockers available at:

  • North Lane car park
  • Wincheap Park and Ride
  • the junction of St Peter's Street and St Peter's Place

Electric vehicles

There are cost savings to swapping your petrol or diesel car for an eco-friendly hybrid or electric vehicle (EV), as well as environmental benefits - fully electric vehicles do not emit any exhaust gases which reduces air pollution.

If you're thinking about getting an EV there are grants you can get to help with the cost:

You can also suggest a location for a charging point.

Lift sharing

Sign up to Kent and Medway Journey Share and you can help reduce carbon emissions by cutting down on your car journeys.

Public transport

Use Park and Ride at our New Dover Road and Wincheap sites in Canterbury for just £4 per day, per car with up to six passengers. If you have a parking account you'll also get your fifth journey in a month free.

Plan a journey with Stagecoach or travel by Network Rail to cut down on emissions.

You can share a car journey through Co Wheels Car Club with others to help reduce carbon emissions.