Listed buildings

Find out what listed buildings are, how we protect them, and see buildings listed in the district.

Listed buildings have special historical or architectural interest. When a building is listed the whole building is protected. This includes the inside, internal features and any later additions. You will need listed building consent for any changes which affect the building’s character.

You can find out more about listed buildings from Historic England or you can view listed buildings on our map.

Locally listed buildings

Locally listed buildings are not protected by national policy, but we have identified them as buildings of local importance. This could be because the architecture of the building adds to the character of the area, or because  of an association with notable local people or events.

Locally listed buildings do not have the same constraints as nationally listed buildings, but their special status will be considered when we judge your planning application. Find out more about locally listed buildings from Historic England or you can view locally listed buildings on our map.