Register your interest in a self-build or custom home

If you're interested in building your own home, find out how to join the Canterbury self-build register.

The Canterbury self-build register

As part of the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act we must keep a register of people interested in building their own home.

We use the register to find out more about the demand for self-build and custom plots in the district. We publish information about self-build each year in our Authority Monitoring report.

Local connection test

The self-build register is in two parts. People with a local connection to Canterbury district go on part one, everyone else goes on part two.

  • The number of people on part one of the register influences how many self and custom build plots we need to grant planning permission for.
  • The number of people on part two of the register influences wider policy decisions.

Join the self-build register

You can join the self-build register as an individual or group, but all members of the group must meet the eligibility criteria. Groups should appoint one person as their main contact.

To be eligible to join you must be:

  • aged 18 or over
  • either a British citizen, a national of a European Economic Area State, or a national of Switzerland

You must pay a fee of £30 to join the self-build register as a group or individual. If you want to stay on the register, you must apply again each year and pay a further fee of £30.

Registration does not guarantee a suitable plot will become available.

Join the Canterbury self-build register